Thursday 24 May 2012


I recently watched Adele Live at the Royal Albert Hall and all I can say is that woman is incredible. Literally mind blowingly amazing in every single way, I could rave about Adele until the cows come home. She’s just so frank and down to earth, and her voice is oh so beautiful. Despite it being such a huge venue and having to watch it behind a TV screen, the whole production seemed incredibly intimate and you really felt you got to know a little piece of Adele through watching it. Being able to learn the story behind her songs and the reasons why she wrote them was fascinating, and I urge anyone who hasn’t seen it yet to go watch it as soon as possible, I think its still on BBC iplayer (click the image above) for a couple more days otherwise it’s out on DVD in most places. She is not only a national treasure but she is fast becoming a world treasure, and personally I think that’s pretty insane. She makes me proud to be British, God Bless Adele!

Below is one of my favourite ever songs from Adele and this performance takes it onto a whole other level. I recently found out one of my best friends Charlotte was actually in the audience, so ridiculously jealous! 

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