Tuesday 10 April 2012


Today I went to meet up with some friends for coffee before everyone starts to go their separate way, heading back to universities all over the country. So instead of going for the usual Caffe Nero, we decided to try out this new place near where we live called ‘Finch House’. It hasn’t been there long at all and it looked so lovely from the outside and inside too. We bagged ourselves a window seat and I began the long process of deciding what to have. Being a pretty indecisive person, I’d say it took me a good ten minutes to decide. Yes, you heard right, ten minutes. But oh was the long decision time worth it, I decided on a little Steak and Ale Pie which was absolutely delish. Others had a hot chocolate and a Banana and Malteaser milkshake which both tasted divine also. Overall it was a lovely little place, somewhere which was a bit different to the norm which was nice. I will definitely be returning there for future coffees and catch ups.

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