Tuesday 26 June 2012


Last weekend, I went to Radio One's Hackney Weekend and it was amazing, getting to see Rihanna live for free, who would not love that?! Originally there was a possibility I wouldn't be going as  because of the silly ticket system my sister and myself ended up with one ticket for Saturday and one for Sunday, aka Larrys. Luckily my sister managed to find a friend to go with and one of my sister's lovely friends took me under her wing and I went along and hung out with her and some friends. I'm so glad I made the decision to go in the end, because it was incredible and so worth it. Firstly we saw a little bit of Westwood's DJ set, literally some of the things he comes out with are just hilarious. Then we headed for food and took shelter from the pouring rain whilst we had a delish cheeseburger, and checked out who we wanted to see next.We ended up seeing Professor Green - hot, Ben Howard who was beautiful as ever, Azealia Banks and her song 212 which was so good and a bit of Labrinth and Jessie J. 

We grabbed some noodles for dinner and sat and listened to Florence + the Machine and prepared ourselves for the final headliners, hoping to get a good spot in the crowd for the rest of the night. When we found out Dizzee Rascal was the special guest we hastily made our way into the crowd hoping to get a good spot, excited for him to begin. As expected he was on top form and played all the classics which was so good and got us so hyped for Rihanna.

After waiting patiently for nearly an hour, watching the stage crew set up an amazing egyptian stage, Rihanna finally came on and it was just amazing from there on out. We literally sang and danced along the whole way through and she put on such a show, and even Jay-Z came on stage for four songs which was insane. The best song had to be Umbrella because the atmosphere was just incredible. Only in England would most people in the crowd have an umbrella to hand, and up they went and the whole crowd the covered in dancing umbrella, the atmosphere and vibe literally couldn't have been any better. Such a good end to an brill day and I'm so glad I decided to go in the end as otherwise I would have missed out big time!

Wednesday 20 June 2012


I recently got back from being on holiday with my family in Cyprus. When it comes to family holidays, they are the ultimate in relaxation as we pretty much don't do anything. Well other than eat, read and sunbathe, perfect combination right? By the end of the holiday, I had made my way through an absolute stack of books and eaten more bags of crisps than it bears thinking about. After so much hype, I decided to  read The Hunger Games trilogy whilst I was away and I was absolutely hooked. Some nights I stayed up really late like a right nerd reading it because I literally couldn't put it down, so as you might have guessed, I definitely would recommend it! We went out for dinner a couple of times which was lovely, Scampi being my dish of choice which was absolutely delish, and when we weren't eating out, my mum was cooking up a storm in the kitchen, making all sorts of yummy Greek dishes. On one of the days we decided to rent out a speedboat from the port and it was so much fun. We did a little tour of the island and Rosie popped in the water for a little dip, although we did struggle a fair bit trying to get her back in the boat again! I tried my hand at steering the boat and despite being quite excited, it's actually quite boring, but good nonetheless! By the end of the holiday we were ready to take our newly tanned, very mosquito bitten and extremely well read selves back to rainy old England and most importantly, back to our well missed friends.


Today seems to have just been one of those days where I have probably spent far too much time on the internet, and far too little time actually doing the things that need to be done i.e. unpack from holiday. But as they say, don’t sweat the small stuff and unpacking can wait, the internet is far more exciting. So besides having a lazy day watching old 90’s reruns like Two of a Kind, I also spent my time finding lovely new websites online. I always find on Tumblr there are so many websites that bring a whole new meaning to ‘pretty’ and after doing a lot of clicking from one thing through to another, I happened to fall upon this website ‘theprettyblog.com’, and believe me, pretty it is. Now although a large amount of it is inspiration for weddings, which I’m pretty sure I won’t be needing quite yet, it is lovely to flick though and feel inspired none the less. My favourite section on the blog is ‘Do-able DIY’s’ which is basically a collection of do it yourself bits and bobs to prettify the little world you live in at home. These aren’t only things related to weddings but every day DIY’s too, although I am loving the little socks for ‘cold feet’ as a gift to the groom before the big day. In this section there is a collection of all sorts of things, many of them printable making it easy peasy, ranging from pretty little gift tag labels, to little flags to pop in cupcakes and quirky fridge magnets. It’s the perfect place to head to on a rainy day, and boy do we have a fair few of those in good old Blighty, so it is sure to keep you occupied for hours as well as bring a little sparkle to your life.

{cute peg fridge magnets}

{a lovely little list of all that you'll need}

Monday 18 June 2012


A song I’m really loving right now is Princess of China by Coldplay featuring Rihanna, I could literally listen to it on repeat for ages. It was originally one of those songs I happily sang along and bobbed to whenever it came on the radio, well before it twigged that oh yeah, thats Rihanna isn’t it?! Oh yeah and Coldplay too, well I never! So now I have actually got my act together and put my musical cap firmly back on, I’ll be hitting up Youtube right away to lull myself into a Rihanna and Coldplay filled heaven.