Thursday, 29 March 2012


Last year I attended my cousin’s wedding and myself and my sister decided to book ourselves in for a free makeover for the event at the Bobbi Brown counter in our local Fenwick. I’d always heard good things of the brand, my auntie always wears Bobbi Brown make up and its always had such a lovely natural finish on her and therefore we thought we’d give it a go. We had other options such as Benefit which we had used before for our other cousin’s wedding coincidentally but they treated it as more as a tutorial and I felt that throughout they were constantly trying to make me buy things! For the same wedding, my younger cousins actually got their make up done at Bobbi Brown and they looked so gorgeous it was a bit of a no brainer really to try it out this time round. The girl that did our make up was so friendly and chatty, made you feel really comfortable and was really thorough with the makeover. She was actually a trained professional make up artist who works freelance so really, you were getting a professional make up service for free. I was so happy with the final result and the products she used were just perfect for my skin. I’m slowly trying to build up a collection of all the products she used that I loved so I can do the process quickly and easily at home. I’ve already got their Skin Foundation which is amazing, really light on the skin but gives a really great coverage, and their Black Gel Eyeliner which is so good and stays on incredibly well, but using the brush with it does take a little bit of practice to perfect. At the end of the makeover, you felt no pressure at all to buy anything but after such a good makeover I defy you not to want to buy a special little something. They offer other really lovely services in a sort of ‘treat yourself’ style, such as how to perfect the best brows, evening and daytime make up and loads more. It was a lovely experience that I would definitely recommend, and who doesn’t love a bit of free pampering every once in a while!

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