Friday 10 August 2012


I recently stumbled upon this website after having a quick browse on Whitney Port’s blog and noticed she had created a feature with them. Intrigued, I decided to have a look and it pretty much does what it says on the tin, as covet away I did. The website essentially gives the viewer the opportunity to have a sneak peek inside the wardrobes of many a famous faces, including Lauren Conrad, Charlotte Ronson and Garance Dore. Through lovely photography, you are taken on a tour of some of their favourite pieces, be it clothing, shoes, accessories or ornamental pieces, each displayed beautifully and giving you as the viewer a good idea of their distinct style and character. Being a fan of both decor and fashion and frankly a little bit nosey, I’m loving this website and look forward to seeing who else’s wardrobe I’ll be coveting in the near future!
You can read Whitney's full article at, but here are a few photographs from the shoot.

photographs copyright of The Coveteur

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